Wills / Power Of Attorney

In addition to Wills, Trusts and other documents we think about when we consider Estate Planning, Texas Estate Planning Law provides several documents that can be executed that may save you and your family time and expense in the future. For example, a Durable Power of Attorney can be drafted so that it either survives the person becoming incapacitated or does not become effective until the person becomes incapacitated. You may also want to consider having an Estate Planning Attorney prepare a Medical Power of Attorney and a Directive to Physicians. Also, under Texas Estate Planning Law one can execute both a “Declaration of Heirship Before Need Arises” and a “Declaration of Guardianship for My Children” to express your wishes in the event you become incapacitated or die.
- Durable Power of Attorney to avoid Guardianship
- Power of Attorney for Business Only
- Power of Attorney for your Children
Medical Power of Attorney & Directive to Physician