Prenuptial / Post Nuptial Agreements

A Prenuptial Agreement is a contract signed by both partners prior to marriage or prior to cohabitation. The Texas Family Code allows for the enforcement of Prenuptial Agreements as long as it is in compliance with the requirements set forth in the code. A Prenuptial Attorney can help draft an agreement that is enforceable under the Texas Family Code and helps to protect your assets in the event of divorce or separation. A Prenuptial Attorney can also include provisions in the agreement to cover such issues as spousal support and alimony while the Divorce is pending.
- Prenuptial Agreements are allowed under Texas Law
- Prenuptial Lawyer can draft agreement to protect your property
- Alimony and Spousal Support addressed in Prenuptial Agreement
- Can save you time and expense in case of divorce
A Postnuptial or Post-Marital Agreement is similar to a Prenuptial Agreement except that it is executed after the parties have already begun their marital relationship. Such an agreement is beneficial in that spouses can exchange or designate certain Separate Property and Community Property by written agreement and not under the pressure and trauma of pending divorce litigation. A well-drafted Postnuptial Agreement can save time, expense and aggravation in the event of a future divorce.
- Post-Marital Agreements are allowed under Texas Law
- Postnuptial Lawyer can draft agreement to protect your property
- Alimony and Spousal Support addressed in Post-Marital Agreement
- Can save you time and expense in case of divorce